Published on March 12, 2004 By -xino In WindowBlinds Competition
I've been trying to figure out which program to use to create the avi files themselves. Creating the animations are no problem but making them into an avi isn't something I'm familar with outside of Adobe After FX and 3DS Max.

Any help would be appreciated.

on Mar 12, 2004
What format are the animations you create in? Also 3D Studio Max is able to export as avi I believe.
on Mar 12, 2004
Gif Movie Gear works very well.
on Mar 12, 2004
Jasc Animation Shop or Gif Movie Gear
on Mar 12, 2004
try windows media maker... it works. *shrug*
on Mar 12, 2004
well, the only major graphic programs I have are made by adobe, macromedia, and discreet. I personally despise anything Jasc, but that's just my opinion. I was looking for a way to convert gif animations to avi and it looks like I have, so thanks for the help guys.
on Mar 12, 2004
just click-drag jpegs/bmps into windows movie maker and set them in order and then ...makemovie
on Mar 19, 2004
I am so sick of your name. NO, YOU'RE GOING DOWN!! j/k Thanks for the tip too.